I Am The Day Of Current Taste Red/Black Splatter Vinyl
• All audio has been remastered by Troy Glessner at Spectre Studios, supervised by Roadside Monument and Scott Hatch (TWO rounds of test pressing rejections occurred over the last two years to get the mix optimized for this vinyl reissue).
• A massive retrospective essay from Lars Gotrich of NPR entitled “Famous Last Words,” featured in the insert.
• Official, corrected lyrics printed with the insert, entirely vetted by Doug Lorig
• A pair of old school, blue / red 3D glasses are included in each jacket for optimal viewing of the album artwork’s seven individual layers of meticulously-restored vector logos, scribbles, paint splotches, and hand written sentences by anaglyphic 3D adaptation master illustrator Terry McCutchen (https://www.deviantart.com/terryseatsndawgs/art/Casper-Anaglyphic-3D-Animation-Cell-925403533)
• Due to a major pressing plant oversight, there are actually /500 copies pressed on clear Orange Gold with Blue and Red Smoke, and an extra, completely randomized “Clear Yellow with Blue Smoke” /100 vinyl copies that have been distributed amongst the band, T&N and BTV. Your guess is as good as ours which color you’ll have show up because we don’t have the ability to open and sort all 600 copies to separate them when the are all located in a mixture of Seattle, Pennsylvania and New York, but there’s only a 16.6% chance you’ll receive a yellow copy.